Thursday, 14 February 2013

Production Context

We have taken every aspect of film making into consideration whilst deciding the context of our opening title sequence, we identified that blockbusters often have extravagant special effects that we would not be able to replicate as we do not currently have the high tech equipment available to us to do so. Therefore if trying to replicate the style of a blockbuster we would not be able to replicate it to a similar standard therefore it will not be effective. Blockbusters often have big names of actors, we will not have access to famous movie stars for our film therefore again, it will be unrealistic to try and replicate a blockbuster. On the other hand, I looked at various independent films and identified that they are less extravagant but have the same techniques such as 'match on action' shots, 'shot reverse shots' and comply to the rule of thirds. All of the technical elements are the same, but the special effects are not as 'amazing' and there are rarely famous actors in the film, therefore it is more realistic for us to create an independent film.

 - as you can see the special effects in this independent film are on a lower scale and look easier to achieve with the standard of equipment that we currently posses, therefore making an independent film would be more realistic. In this image, you can see that the lighting looks like it complies with the genre 'sci-fi' slightly, although the lighting would have been easy to apply to the film through editing, and we could do basic effects like this i the process of editing.

- As you can see in these special effects it looks incredible, this is a scene from the film 'the avengers', an award winning blockbuster, it was commended for its amazing special effects, it looks so realistic, and with the equipment we currently obtain we would not be able to replicate such effects to such a high standard, and therefore our attempt of creating a 'blockbuster' style film with realistic special effects would not be successful. 

I also identified that in many films surrounding the genre 'horses' there is not many action shots or any scenes that require high levels of special effects, therefore again, it is more realistic to make our film in the style of an independent film. 

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