We created a survey using survey monkey where we created a series of a questions aimed at our target market, this research told us what they would prefer to see or have liked to see in previous films surrounding the genre 'horses'. We sent the survey out to what we believe to be our target market, so families and young girls and people who share a common interest in horses. Here is some screenshots of our results.
From our research we gathered that most people want to see a character they can relate to, therefore we will make the character a young or teenage girl, they would prefer the film to be realistic therefore this rules out the fantasy, western and magical representations surrounding horses, 96% of people also said they would prefer music in the opening title sequence, therefore we will use music, although we will have to find rights free music, so we are not infringing on any copyright laws. All of our results have helped us to shape our story-line, and therefore meet and please our target audience more effectively.
Great that you've done your own primary research and evaluated your findings. Very nice.